Top 10 Gorgeous Butterfly Species to Admire in Your Garden

By samreen Aug 22, 2024 11:05:13 AM

Imagine a beautiful sunny morning, sipping your coffee in your garden, surrounded by a kaleidoscope of colourful butterflies fluttering around. Butterflies are a source of visual delight and play a vital role in pollination, helping your garden thrive. These delicate creatures come in a stunning variety of shapes, sizes, and colours, making them the perfect guests for any garden. This article will introduce you to the top 10 gorgeous butterfly species you can attract to your garden. These charming visitors will add vibrancy to your outdoor space and enrich your understanding of the natural world.


Gorgeous Butterfly Species to Admire in Your Garden

Your garden, a sanctuary of tranquillity, can become an enchanting haven for nature's most exquisite visitors: butterflies. Picture the vibrant hues, graceful flights, and delicate charm of these winged wonders, adding an extra layer of beauty to your outdoor space. So, let's embark on a journey to discover these captivating butterfly species and learn how to create a welcoming habitat for them in your garden.

1. Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus)

With its striking orange and black wings, the Monarch butterfly is one of North America's most iconic butterfly species. Monarchs are famous for their annual migration from Canada to Mexico, where they overwinter in clusters on oyamel fir trees. To attract Monarchs to your garden, consider planting milkweed, their primary host plant, which also serves as a nectar source.

2. Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)

The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail is a large and majestic butterfly native to eastern North America. Its yellow wings adorned with black stripes and blue spots make it a breathtaking sight. This species is attracted to gardens with various nectar-rich flowers like coneflowers, bee balm, and phlox.

3. Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)

The Painted Lady is a cosmopolitan butterfly on every continent except Antarctica and Australia. It is known for its delicate orange and black mottled wings. Painted Ladies are attracted to a wide range of flowers but prefer thistles, zinnias, and marigolds. Planting these in your garden will undoubtedly lure them in.

4. Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes)

Black Swallowtails are renowned for their striking black wings with a vivid band of yellow and blue spots. They are often found in gardens where herbs like parsley, dill, and fennel grow, as these plants are their favourite host and nectar sources.

5. Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor)

The Pipevine Swallowtail, also known as the Blue Swallowtail, is a stunning butterfly native to North America. Its dark wings have iridescent blue and green hues, making it one of the most visually captivating species. To attract these butterflies to your garden, consider planting pipevine or Dutchman's pipe, their primary host plant.

6. Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia)

The Common Buckeye, with its distinct eye-spot patterns on its wings, is a charming butterfly that can be found throughout North and Central America. This species is known for its territorial behaviour, often returning to the same spot in your garden. They are attracted to nectar-rich flowers such as asters, tickseed, and butterfly bush.

7. Zebra Longwing (Heliconius charithonia)

The Zebra Longwing butterfly, native to the Americas, is easily recognizable by its long, narrow wings with distinctive black and white stripes. What sets this butterfly apart is its unique behaviour of roosting together in large groups during the night. Passionflowers are the primary host plant for the Zebra Longwing, so planting these in your garden will surely draw them in.

8. Red Admiral (Vanessa Atalanta)

Red Admirals are striking butterflies with a black base colour on their wings and vibrant red-orange bands. They can be found in various habitats, including gardens, where they are attracted to rotting fruits, tree sap, and fermenting materials. Planting flowering trees like birch, oak, and willow can make your garden more appealing to these butterflies.


9. Orange Sulphur (Colias eurytheme)

The Orange Sulphur is a bright and cheerful butterfly that can be seen throughout North America. Its wings are predominantly orange, giving it a sunny appearance. These butterflies are known to be fond of legumes, so planting clover, alfalfa, or peas in your garden can be a sure way to attract them.

10. Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele)

The Great Spangled Fritillary is a large and vibrant butterfly with distinctive silver spots on its wings. They are widespread in North America and are attracted to various nectar-rich flowers like coneflowers, asters, and thistles. Creating a garden with a mix of these flowers will invite these stunning butterflies to visit.

Creating a Butterfly-Friendly Garden

Now that you've learned about these ten gorgeous butterfly species, you might wonder how to create a butterfly-friendly garden. Here are some tips to help you attract and support these beautiful insects:

Plant Host Plants: Various species of butterflies have specific host plants where they deposit their eggs, and these plants serve as the primary food source for the emerging caterpillars. Plant these host plants to support the entire life cycle of butterflies.

Nectar-Rich Flowers: Butterflies need nectar as their primary food source. Plant a variety of nectar-rich flowers in your garden to provide them with ample food.

Sunny Spots: Butterflies are cold-blooded creatures and need warmth from the sun. Make sure your garden has bright spots where they can bask and gather energy.

Shelter: Provide shelter in the form of bushes or trees where butterflies can take refuge from strong winds and predators.

Water Source: Butterflies also need water. A shallow dish with wet sand or stones can provide a safe spot for them to drink without drowning.

Avoid Pesticides: Avoid using pesticides in your garden, as they can harm butterflies in their various life stages.

Maintain a Diversity of Plants: Various plants will attract different butterfly species. Aim for diversity in flower colour, size, and bloom time.


Butterflies bring a sense of wonder and magic to any garden. Their stunning colours, delicate flight, and vital role in pollination make them an essential part of the natural world. By creating a butterfly-friendly garden, you enhance the beauty of your outdoor space and contribute to the conservation of these enchanting creatures.

So, go ahead and plant those milkweeds, passionflowers, and coneflowers, and invite these gorgeous butterfly species to grace your garden with their presence. As you watch them dance among the flowers, you'll find that the beauty they bring is not just visual; it's a celebration of nature's intricate and harmonious design.